Embracing mystery as a source of inspiration, this tightly curated group of Fantastic Realist and Visionary artists from around the world will present interpretations of universal mythology, with vivid imagination and masterful technique. Their cosmic, intuitive, visual language will reach through the ephemeral illusion we have come to know as reality, to an underlying, timeless, spiritual narrative. On the vernissage weekend, Brigid Marlin will teach a mischtechnik workshop at Seattle’s Gage Academy.
Im’ago Primordialis exhibition
July 9 – September 3, 2016
at Krab Jab Studio, Seattle USA
Curated by : Don Farrell, in association with Krab Jab Studio
“Knowing doesn’t reside in the knower,
nor does truth in what is known,
but in between.“
– “A Mystical Epistemology”, Peter Reason
Mystery has been banished; everything must be defined. And yet, while analytical thought bestows many gifts upon civilization, we remain insatiable. As if the unknown, itself, is the very ferment of community, humility, love….and life.
Embracing mystery as a source of inspiration, Fantastic Realists from around the world present this exhibition of numinous, visionary art – to reawaken feeling and intuition marginalized in today’s cynical analyses.
Like the mystical traditions of countless cultures, their works assign symbols to The Unknowable, reaching through the ephemeral illusion we have come to know as reality, to an underlying, timeless, spiritual narrative. Universal mythology is interpreted with vivid imagination, and masterful technique renders it believably real.
Beneath the veil of seeming, an intuitive, visual language suggests that we are all part of something glorious, yet unrevealed. Fulfillment reflects from mystery in the primordial image, encouraging us to find, within ourselves, a unique understanding beyond the grasp of intellect…a feeling of connection…our own personal harmony with an ancient melody that is often unheard amidst the dissonance of perpetual immediacy.
