Kortan is an internationally-known artist, who belongs to
the best painters in the field of Fantastical Realism and
Trompe-líoeil. He creates high-quality oil paintings
in style of the old masters and finest drawings. His paintings
have been exhibited in many individual or collective exhibitions.
His works are a part of private collections or the collections
of public institutions. He lives and works in Kalchreuth near
Nuremberg, Germany.
1964 born in Prague
1982 he starts the professional artistic carrier of a musician
1984 he emigrates to Tessino (Switzerland); after one year
he moves to Germany
Since 1990 he has been studying painting intensively; during
studies he meets German
Trompe-líoeil and then he starts the professional carrier
of a painter
1996 ñ 2000 graduated from Masarykís Academy
of Fine Arts, PragueMuseum Collections:
Albrecht D¸rer Haus N¸rnberg (Germany)
Monaco Modern Art Museum (Monaco)
Museo de Arte Contempor·neo Santiago (Chile)
Museo d'Arte Mendrisio (Switzerland)
Levi Strauss Museum Buttenheim (Germany)
BibliothÈque Royale Albert I. Bruxelles (Belgium)Awards:
European Prize for fine Arts by the European Union of Arts
European Medal of Franz Kafka for Artistic Creation by the
European Circle ÑFranz Kafkaì Prague
WORLD PRIZE OF SALVADOR DALÕ for Fine Arts by the Alliance
Salvador DalÌ International
European Prize F. Kupka
European Prize of Rudolf II.
Prof. Ernst
Fuchs, 2003, Monaco:
"It's highly gratifying to see that there still exist
artists such as Frank Kortan, who have tasted from the elixir
of Emperor Rudolph II and, in the spirit of the noble art
of Mannerism, keep presenting its mastery to our contemporariesí
eyes; the mastery that had already seemed extinct but that
is essential to create magnificent paintings in the style
of the old masters. May his works open the eyes of all those
who have become blind through pointless art so that they are
able to understand the language of paintings again."
Ephraim Kishon, 2004, Switzerland:
"In the blur of our time, in which the beauty and the
art have been dutifully eliminated from les beaux arts, some
artists continue, with courage and saintly tenacity, to paint
in the spirit and with the skill of the Old Masters, though
each in his own individual style. The portrait that Frank,
in his inimitable mastery, has painted of me and for me, is
the best one that I have ever seen - including those that
I catch sight of in the bathroom mirror. I have often talked
to myself, but never before have words failed me. The picture
says it all. The painter has recognised me. There can be no
greater compliment."